Wholesale Fashion Marketing: Driving Traffic To Your Retail Store With PPC

Get on the PPC (Pay Per Click) super highway to market your most recent wholesale clothing order and drive higher retail sales. Putting yourself in the driver’s seat can be as simple as tapping into digital marketing tactics that target your specific audience. With the one-to-one approach of PPC, your message is specifically targeted at each individual shopper. Marketing a recent delivery of junior tops from your wholesale fashion distributor through PPC means targeting juniors specifically on sites they are likely to use. With this form of search marketing, advertisements that appear to viewers are based on their search engine keywords and available profile information.

To start the process of adding PPC to your website, you first need to determine which keywords and types of ads will bring prequalified traffic to your retail site. Your ads will change whether you are targeting shoppers looking for plus size blouses or juniors clothing. Once you choose the ad type and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keywords for the campaign, you can then find a PPC provider like Google AdSense. Work with your provider to draw in your target customer by providing them with demographic information. For example, if your recently worked with your wholesale distributor to purchase a line of women’s summer dresses, you will want to target professional females, between the ages of 25 and 45. This will drive prequalified traffic to your retail site.

By combining your PPC campaign keywords with your blog and website copy you can effectively increase the number of bring online customers who visit your retail website. Try to target your ideal audience based on their shopping preferences, age group, gender and geography. For example, a PPC advertisement for an assisted living center should not bring in customers from the juniors demographic.

Using PPC for added traffic can bring you online customers that will be looking for your type of apparel or who are members of your targeted group of shoppers. Taking the simple test drive of researching keywords and potential PPC ad providers can elevate your site sales and traffic. Whenever you are getting ready to make a large wholesale fashion apparel order for your retail store, be sure to carefully plan a PPC campaign. By choosing your SEO content and PPC advertisement carefully, you can drive on the right targeted side of online shopping with sales to match.