An In”VEST”ment in Special Occasion Apparel

If you are like the average consumer, accessories help highlight natural beauty, and adding an exquisite, handcrafted poncho, jacket, or vest to an ensemble can take the ensemble from everyday attire to special occasion attire. When the time comes to purchase wholesale special occasion apparel, the retailer is wise to offer a selection of junior ponchos, missy ponchos, and gorgeous missy vests to the consumer.

Missy beaded vests offer something special to the wearer’s everyday attire making for a special occasion without spending extra money. Adding accessories to an average pair of jeans and a classy solid shirt is an appropriate and frugal method for having an instant special occasion ensemble.

For instance, Julie Ann offers vests by designers Piano, and Morris Kaye & Sons. In fact, the addition of missy vests is relatively new, and these special vests are offered in the “Hot New Items” section for convenience.

Morris Kaye & Sons has an outstanding selection of missy beaded vests with an array of sizes for any body shape. The Ornate Beaded Missy Vest, shown to the right, is beautifully handcrafted making for an exceptional piece of art – the perfect accompaniment for any ensemble.

The red, handcrafted roses are on a backdrop of soft denim, and the adobe, zigzag design edges the neckline. With the black velour lining and back ties, this vest is sure to be an all time favorite.

Purchasing wholesale special occasion apparel is about more than purchasing prom dresses and evening wear. In fact, accessories are as important as the apparel itself. When you add missy ponchos, junior ponchos, or even a missy beaded vest to your storefront, customers will have a wider selection of choices for every occasion.

The missy vests offered by Julie Ann may be a new addition, but the styles, class, and flare offered by these gorgeous accessories will be a lasting and welcome addition to any wardrobe. After all, when it comes to wholesale woman’s apparel, accessorizing can make or break any ensemble.